04 June 2010

Get thee to a donut shop!

This just in: Due to the fact that it's National Donut Day or Doughnut Day, you can enjoy a free donut at various Dunkin' Donuts and Krispy Kremes.
Yes, I realize there's no Dunkin's in SD, but there is, apparently a Krispy Kreme that is participating at 4180 Clairemont Mesa Blvd.
Now, I'm off to see if any donut shops that are actually nearby feel like offering me a free donut.

Thank you FB friends and Justin for this key information.

1 comment:

  1. I almost participated. Then I realized that I have coffee at home, and Starbucks gift cards, so it just wasn't free enough for me.

    But sorry west-coasters, this is what happens when you leave the land of Dunkin.
